Friday, September 17, 2010

You say Risotto, I say....

After a trip to Mexico in the spring, I have actually been dreaming about a Parmesan and Black Truffle Oil Risotto that we ate down there. It was so creamy and delicious, that I immediately decided I would have to make it when we got home.

Well, as fantastic of a city that Saint John is, we could not find Black Truffle Oil. Yes, we could have made it without, but that's just not how we roll.

Finally, after months of my whining, Darren made a special trip to Halifax just to get me the critical ingredient - he must really love me. Ok, he actually had to go for a heavy equipment auction for the golf course , but a girl can dream can't she?

Last night, with our mise-en-place complete, we hunkered down with our wooden spoons to make the Risotto. It smelled so good, and my mouth was watering ever so slightly at the thought of having this delicious dish once again. 40 or so minutes later, it is complete, we garnish with a heaping drizzle of the truffle oil (I was clearly overzealous with the use of the oil) and sat down to enjoy our masterpiece.

There was just one slight problem - it actually didn't taste very good, and the onions were still crunchy. In my analysis of the situation, I realize I put too much oil and had not enough chicken stock. It was still good, but I've decided to leave the Risotto making to the professionals. I will stick to what I do best - eating.

Naughty Bear

Have you ever had something in your life that just makes you laugh every time you see it? No matter what kind of mood you are in - you just have to giggle when you think about your favorite funny video that pops into your head without warning and makes you laugh out loud, or when you see a really great mullet walking down the street?
Well, I was lucky enough to have such a little gem right in the Art Gallery. It was a beautiful Inuit sculpture. A masterpiece really. But, upon further looking - the bear in the sculpture definitely had a naughty side.

 I wonder if the artist realized when he was creating it - I'd bet he did!

 It was a fabulous piece that was both a beautiful work of art, AND made you laugh - what more could you ask for?

Then one day, it was gone. Sold. Great for the Gallery, but what was I going to use to entertain my juvenile mind now?
Well, luckily for me a new art shipment was about to arrive. I can only gather from this new arrival, that Darren and I are such a great pair because we share the same sense of humour. Wouldn't you know, there is a new Naughty Bear!

I have to say, this sculpture is even nicer than the last. The attention to detail is fantastic, and the color is brilliant. Best of all, this artist also had a great sense of humour - at least in my opinion. I will make sure to get plenty of enjoyment from this little guy before he sells, since I am sure he won't last long either!